What gets you moving? We all need to figure out our own brand of motivation. It is a tricky thing, getting motivated. Often we start off gung ho, but peter out very quickly. How do YOU get AND STAY motivated? That is one of those ultimate questions to the meaning of life, the universe and everything. Eventually one gets to a point in their life where it is easier to change than to stay with the status quo. It's that defining moment where you put DOWN the cookie, and drop to the floor and do a push up. Or try to. When you are just so disgusted with the size of your ass that you are motivated to get off it, and tell it that you are done, professionally. It is easier to look like an idiot at the gym, than to park your butt on the couch and watch another episode of "Real Housewives of North Sawckmeighkoch".
I really and truly mean it |
MY tricks for staying motivated are as follows:
1. Deadlines work. Nothing motivates me like knowing I have a time limit that something has to get done.
2. An assignment: I work great when there are parameters to what ever task I have, even if the parameters are minimal. When I was in high school art class, the teacher would give an assignment like.... show me "tension" - this was an actual project- and I could use my imagination in anyway I saw fit. This is what I came up with:
Drawn from a sleeve from a Rough Trade Album back in ~1988 |
3. Having people count on you. If you know that others are relying on your to get shit done, you are more likely to do it.
Every. Fucking. Night. |
4. Accountability. This is different than having people rely on you. This is being ANSWERABLE to someone. Last year I joined a 30 day HIT challenge with The Betty Rocker (which, by the way, was AWESOME -I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS). I started a facebook group called The Betty (C)Rocker Challenge with about 30 other women. It was AMAZING. Being held accountable to them, even if it was only in my own mind, really helped. I rocked my Betty EVERY SINGLE DAY. And FitBit! That keeps my ass moving. By hook or by crook I get my 10,000 steps every day. I have kept it up for several years now (with time off for broken bones). I have a group of amazing women that I regularly walk with, and Alan and I walk daily, too. What's really nice about our daily walks is that we a) are keeping fit and b) the dog gets lots of exercise and c) we talk. It's like a mini date every single day. Walk time is the time we talk about the challenges of the day, or the challenges of our people or our plans for the future.
So these are my tricks for keeping motivated. They work for me, and maybe they will help you. Next week I am joining a new pilot program for business accountability. One of my free people world tribesmates, Denise Riley, with her company Core Empowerment, is launching a 60 day MOTIVATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY challenge for $200. Website to follow. I am involved in the 30 day pilot program.
If you choose to accept this challenge, (which I am), here is what you can expect:
1. You will be matched with a partner that you will hold accountable, and they, in turn will hold you accountable.
2. Monday through Friday you will check in with your partner via your choice (text, email, phone, online chat)
3. Each weekday, you will set your 3 Goals (Watch out, they may change during the game as you grow.) Each day (M-F) you will commit to completing what you said you would do... the minimum requirement is 1 goal in each category. (Happiness, Being Healthy & Abundance) ***NOTE you can do more than 3 goals, but once you say you will do it, you are committed. There will be more on this later if you choose to play.
4. One day per week there is a 1 hour meeting. I have professionals that will be teaching the hour class for the week, and it will be centered on 1 of the 3 areas of focus. (Happiness, Being Healthy, or Abundance) *** These meetings will be recorded, however points are only given if you check in during the meeting.
5. There are individual prizes and partner prizes based upon both of you keeping your daily commitments to one another.
6. During this game, you will accomplish more than you can imagine! I am most excited for your accomplishments and seeing you thrive through this 30-days.
I'm really looking forward to this. I need that extra push to get our new business off the ground. Sometimes, in order for opportunity to knock, you have to beat the door down. One of my favourite quotes is "The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs. One step at a time." -Joe Girard. At least I have my FitBit on to count those steps.
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